Over 51,000 meals (7,675 lbs.) were generated from the Feed Galveston project on Friday, December 8, 2017 at Ball High School for this year’s “Share Your Holidays Food Drive” for the Galveston County Food Bank!
This is so, so exciting what – together!!! – has been accomplished this year! How generous everyone has been to help those in need in Galveston County! AND what is SO IMPORTANT to share with each of your staffs and employees…. that even with so many of us impacted by “Harvey”…. we still topped our totals from last year! and 2016 had been our best year to date… until THIS YEAR!
Cynthia Cisneros, Cynthia Cisneros ABC-13 Community Vice-President was very impressed with our incredible production!
“A total of 24,061 lbs of food items were collected and sent to the Galveston County Food Bank. 7,675 lbs. were generated from the Feed Galveston project in the lower gym and 16,386 lbs. of non-perishable items were collected and turned in from the community in front of the school last Friday.”
“All total, the Food Bank calculates our efforts providing at 20,051 meals. Last year, 15,532 lbs of food items were collected totaling 18,641 meals.”
“A number of classrooms participated in a contest sponsored by the Key Club. Winners included: First place, Coach Haney’s class; Second place, Dr. Duncan’s class and Third place, Mr. Merritte’s class. Other GISD schools participating in the Food Drive included: Austin Middle, Crenshaw, Morgan and Oppe. High totals: Morgan Elementary donated 4,111 food items; Austin donated 1,349 food items and Crenshaw donated 801 food items.
Thank you to all for making 2017 a record breaking year!”
Michael D. Dudas
Media Arts Coach
Ball High Schoo
On behalf of K-TOR The Tornado‘s Mike Dudas, the Ball High School faculty, students and administration, the cheering of the Ball High Cheerleaders… THANK YOU… for your enthusiasm, commitment and support of this vital project…YOU are the reason we’re able to continue to make a positive difference and a positive impact in our community!
Happy Holidays… And we look forward to accomplishing even more next year!
Thanks again!