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Our Partners

The Outreach Program is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation that organizes food packaging events around the country. With more than 330 million meals packaged to date, the organization’s mission is to provide safe waterfood, medical care, and education to those in need, at home and abroad. Visit:

End Hunger NE is a regional manager for The Outreach Program that assists in packaging of meals.

The Lyceum is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization where the Feed Galveston packaging events are held on Winnie street between 24th and 25th in Galveston. Long recognized as a “center of culture” in Galveston as the Lyceum Hall, it was the original site for Texas’ oldest continuously operated Lutheran Church – First Evangelical Lutheran Church.

The Permanent Endowment Fund (PEF) is a supporting organization of Moody Methodist Church. PEF fudning enables the PEF’s Board of Directors, comprised of Moody Methodist Church congregants, to provide grants to non-profit organizations serving people in Galveston and around the world. Through these grants, the Permanent Endowment Fund works to advance the care of people in the Name and Spirit of Jesus Christ.